Saturday, April 17, 2010

Call Of Duty/Nightmare Before Christmas

Here are some thumbnail sketches that were done on black canson paper. Each sketch was approx. 2 inches in length. Go gouache and white pencil!!!!!!

This was another class project based on the Call of Duty franchise.

I had lots of fun exploring these projects, still more to come. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Ooo the angle on that bottom one is really cool! Did you take any reference of a building from that angle or did you just make it up with perspective? either way nicely done

  2. OH THE INSANITY! Awesome, as always, John.

  3. So many details! This means you've mastered a great deal of shortcuts.

  4. dopemaster status like ninja beasts. Yea.

  5. john, these are amazing as usual.
    keep raising the bar my friend :D

  6. Great stuff! Those dynamic camera angles make the shots a lot more interesting.

  7. Dude you are one of my biggest inspirations, thanks for the comment on my blog! it means a lot! :D seriously though ive shown you before to all my other art buddies and we all agree you are pretty bomb :) keep up the inspiration and motivating artists like me and my buds!


  8. Ah man these are so cool!
    That last one is SO EPIC

    I'd be interested in seeing your process on these...pretty pretty please

  9. Hey man, your work is ridiculously good!!!

    Care to make a tutorial for us noobs?


  10. Inspirational stuff...and dang you and your 1 hour speedy sketch! Teach me!

  11. Hey John!

    Great stuff! Keeeppp it comingggg man!

  12. Hey John!

    IT's me Richard Hyung. Thank u for giving me a comment and encourage! Fazard knows ur passion, bro! Most important thing, John- it's not all about getting jobs, but we have to enjoy our concept works. I think u got it, and you got real passionate ass works!

    Check my works update during the summer. You are my best brother, john. Grab some lunch or beer soon :)

  13. Those black and white thumbnails are freaking amazing John.

    Love it!

  14. these are soo good!! each posts justs gets better!!

  15. damn John!

    These are freaking awesome bro!


  16. Jp! your rippin some serious domes with this one brotha!! ruff rugged and raw!!!


  17. damn man...I really wish I was at art center doing this kind of stuff. So awesome!

  18. Man, you just never stop speeding up, huh? Slow down, man! :)
    What can I say... these are dang good, John!

  19. you the MENG! love the white on black canson sketches - mucho effective. when we gonna go cruisin in the threethreefive?

  20. incredible stuff dude! the b/w thumbs are so perfect for the project!

  21. Nice work dude love the thumbs!!! We all need to kick-it again once school gets out. keep it up your stuff's looking sick.

  22. dammit, is there anything that you can't do? great stuff man, really inspiring to have you in the class!

  23. hey john, great stuff you got here man! i love them!

  24. Top notch sketches and rendering. Enjoyed watching all of it. Hope you have a restful and relaxing summer break John. Thank you for stopping in, the recent character stuff are from Visual Storytelling class under R. Delgado.

  25. awsome stuffs, John! you have a lot of fun in the class. Now I see not everyone is suffering from arch 2, haha~~~

  26. You are one crazy designer! Love how you incorporated the sketch thumbs into the style of the piece.

    Nice work!

  27. John,

    Just wanted to say (cause in my sleep-deprived state after arch 2 I forgot to) that it has been a pleasure being in class with you. I hope that we get to take classes / work together again in the future.

    You are an inspiration.

    All the best,


  28. What can I say that hasn't already been said?! Phenomenal work. I love the angles and perspectives you used in all of these. I'd love to see this Lone Soldier game come to life. Thanks for the constant inspiration.

  29. You make me want to be a better artist <3

  30. John, your work inspired me so much! You have a lot of talent! I follow you. See you soon!

  31. awesome update man, inspiring stuff !

  32. your stuff just makes me want to cry then go take a nap. It really is an overload of sweetness.

  33. these are great, john! i think they'd fit in quite nicely with their respective IP's :)

  34. Nice work!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate it.

  35. DAMN Sir, this is just ridiculous! LOVE the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. That 3/4 Ortho shot of Oogie's play room is just insane, love the pencil marks. so awesome!

  36. Sure John!
    you should come out next time we have dinner with James P.
    Take care John, these sketches are delightful, show me how you use white gouche on black paper, is that a canson?

  37. Thanks for the comment man. Amazing work. Love the Uncharted work!

  38. WOWeeee, these are awesome! The repelling elevator shaft is toooo good. Let me know when the game comes out. haha

  39. These are wonderfull as usual *o*
    I just played Uncharted 2 (finished in 2 days with Gabe's help eheh) and now I understand why you chose it for the project :D
    Im so jelous every artwork of yours is amazing!

  40. Your artwork makes me want to take my art supplies back to the store and hand them back in.

    Awesome work.


  41. Freekin kickarse work as usual my friend!!

  42. Great project man!!! Love all your compositional sketches and that second to last one looking up...phew! Hot stuff!!

  43. daang John! I wana play around in those call of duty environments. Nice job u are crazy!

  44. outstanding artwork, so glad I stumbled across this. :)

  45. Those call of duty shots are real slick mate!

  46. AWESOME WORK DUDE! Your work is really inspiring and the thumbs are freaking dope

  47. I hope you don't mind me trying out that white on black paper method for environment value sketching as well...! It's such a great idea.

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